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The value of H.I  (Human Intelligence)

Heart, emotion, empathy, idiosyncrasy, creativity, and the unexpected. Our humanity lies in the complex weave of thoughts within our minds. Our thoughts are not just a mechanical stream of data or calculations; they are vibrant and alive, thick with our unique experiences, perspectives, and emotions. 

They have the power to evoke profound connections, inspire creativity, and generate innovation. So, imagine a world, not too far in the future, where machines dictate everything, from healthcare to marketing. They’re precise, they’re quick, and they never say ‘I’m wiped out, see you tomorrow’. 

Strip away all this productivity and you’ll see that something essential is missing - something that’s uniquely us, Human Intelligence (H.I).

True, when we compare ourselves to the brilliance of ChatGPT with its speed and accuracy, we may feel outmatched. However, that doesn’t diminish the value of our unique contributions. Think about the intricate melodies of a Coldplay song or the idiosyncratic vocals of Kate Tempest. These creative expressions exist because of our ability to explore and push the boundaries of our imagination. 

While the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been nothing short of phenomenal, boasting impressive feats like crunching colossal data in milliseconds or predicting market trends, there’s a key ingredient it lacks - a life.

Without the human touch, it’s like an orchestra without a conductor. Impressive, yes, but the ability to stir emotions and the capacity to adapt to the unexpected is missing.

And there’s no better place to see this than in healthcare marketing. You might wonder, why healthcare? Why not finance or online shopping? Well, it’s simple. Healthcare is all about our well-being, one of the most personal and intimate aspects of our lives.

Healthcare marketing isn’t just about selling products or services. It’s about showing the value and how these services can truly impact people’s lives. It’s about building trust, making a connection, and appealing to emotions – things that AI can only imitate.

AI might use data to figure out that a certain group prefers visual ads instead of text-based ones. But it’s our human intelligence that understands why. Is it because they respond better to stories? Or maybe they enjoy sharing visual content on social media, becoming advocates for your healthcare brand. These are the little details that AI can’t grasp on its own. Yet.

There’s also the ethical side of healthcare marketing, where humans excel. Marketing in healthcare involves decisions that can alter lives. An algorithm might not see the potential harm of an aggressive campaign on vulnerable patients, but a human marketer would take caution.

Moreover, healthcare is a global matter. Different cultures, societies, and economies have different responses to healthcare issues. Creating strategies tailored to these contexts requires deep and broad understanding that AI, at least for now, can’t match.

The human connection, empathy, and heart in all areas of marketing is crucial. AI can definitely enhance our abilities, but it’s the blend of AI’s analytical power and our emotional intelligence that will shape it’s future.

Never before, has being imperfect (human) been so valued.


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